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CYNTHIA In The Masters 8 EXPLAINED - Pokémon Journeys
Cynthia's Full Masters 8 PWC Pokémon Team REVEALED & EXPLAINED - Pokémon Journeys
Who Should REALLY Be In The Masters 8? | Pokemon Journeys Anime Discussion
HOW Ash Can Beat Steven, Cynthia, & Leon in the Masters 8 | Pokémon Journeys
Cynthia's Garchomp: From Gible to MASTERS 8 | Complete History
Steven's Full Masters 8 PWC Pokémon Team REVEALED & EXPLAINED - Pokémon Journeys
CYNTHIA'S FULL-POWERED TEAM | Pokémon Journeys Masters 8 Discussion
Pokémon Masters Eight Tournament | Review
How the Masters 8 SHOULD be Ranked
The Story of Ash vs Cynthia | From Sinnoh to Masters 8 (Pokémon Journeys Anime Discussion)
Iris NEW GIMMICK for Cynthia in MASTERS 8?! - Pokémon Journeys
Cynthia Did WHAT!? Pokemon Journeys Masters 8 Semifinals Review!